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My Philosophy


I have loved writing most of my life but did not consider it as a career until high school.  I chose English so I can write the stories I wish to share with the world and plan to write several non-for-profit children's stories.  Additionally, through my writing, I hope to touch on important themes like mental health awareness through characters.  Much of this is illustrated through my values:  




 Just like writing, Art is important to me as it is a fun outlet.  Art also provides many ways of communicating with others and can be especially important for individuals who struggle to communicate verbally.   Creative outlets provide us with new ways of thinking and can be a way of increasing our understanding of mindfulness.  I love learning new forms of Art though my favorites are writing, drawing, and photography.  




Working with others and knowing the best ways of communication is also highly important to me.  I have practiced this outside of the classroom in the service-oriented fraternity Alpha Phi Omega (APO).  In APO, I have worked on both the service and fellowship committee where I get the opportunity to work with my vice presidents on planning events.  Knowing how to collaborate with other people is not the only key to complete projects but also gives us the opportunity to learn new things and broaden our understanding of the world.  




Working hard is also important as it is a key factor in creating quality work.  I especially contribute this to writing, in order to create a high-quality story one must put in the time.  Additionally, in being efficient and making proper use of time, I am able to learn along the way and properly create my product.  Being efficient is pertinent to my growth as both a writer and an individual. 

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